
Throughout the duration of the U.S. 69 Expansion and Modernization Project, KDOT will engage in a significant community engagement effort. Your feedback is important and valuable. Multiple opportunities for engagement are available as listed below.

Engagement Opportunities

Public Meetings

The best way to stay informed and make your voice heard is by attending hybrid or virtual meetings that will take place at several project milestones.


Project leaders will conduct several surveys to gauge public sentiment about various aspects of the project.

Website / Social Media

You can stay involved by regularly visiting this website and the Project’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Both options allow the public to leave comments and ask questions about the Project.

Project Updates

Sign up to receive ongoing updates and information about the 69 Express Project.

Provide a Comment

Have a question? Want to provide feedback or information? Fill out the form at right to send a message to the 69 Express project team.

Request a Presentation

Interested in a U.S. 69 Expansion Project informational presentation and Q&A session for your community group? Fill out this request form, being sure to include the name of your group and when your meetings are scheduled.

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For More Information

Steve Rockers
69Express and KDOT Project Director

Laura Wagner
69Express Communications Manager
Telephone: 816.805.2445